Teacher Task Force Committee 2020

1. Teacher Retention and Professional Development Policy(TRPD) 

No education is possible without an adequate number of qualified and motivated teachers  
The SDG4-Education 2030 Framework for Action  teachers as the key to achieving quality, equitable and inclusive education for all by 2030. As such, the SDG 4 target on teachers (target 4.c) states that, by 2030, we need to "substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and Small Island developing States". 

Indeed, according to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the world will be facing an acute shortage of qualified teachers. 69 million teachers must be recruited to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030: 24.4 million primary school teachers and 44.4 million secondary school teachers. Teacher retention and professional development are co related and are directly proportional . The more the teacher is given the opportunity to grow within the organization and acquire knowledge, the more the chances of the teacher to be motivated. This committee is requires to research upon retention policies for teachers and the importance of ongoing professional development for teachers. 

2. Teacher Mental Wellness  and career growth policy – (TMCP) 

Stress and emotional exhaustion levels in classrooms are high as teachers grapple with growing workloads and difficult behaviour from students and parents. 
By some estimates, about 25 per cent of teachers will leave the profession within five years of starting, although this figure could be as high as 50 per cent. This committee shall focus on  effective ways to tackle Mental health of the teaching community. 

Career growth is important for all to feel motivated and rewarded. The committee would be required to research upon career growth opportunities in the teaching profession and the probability of teachers to choose those career paths. 

3.  Focus of teacher training courses in 2030 skills- (FTTS) 

Education experts across the country have echoed that sentiment, pointing to a gap between theoretical teacher education and applied classroom training. Teaching is a practice-based profession like medicine, and there is a growing sentiment that teachers' colleges should offer the emphasis on hands-on training as medical school. 
This committee would be expected to come up with their research on what the focus of the teaching training courses should be like and how is it that teaching can be made more practical and hands on. Is there a need for a organised body to provide such courses , or specialization courses that would be required to be added. 

4. Reflection strategies and Assessment policies in schools- (RSAP) 

Students come to school to learn and so should the teachers. Self reflection is an important tool for a teacher to use to improvise on their teaching methodology. Self reflection enables the teacher to then assess his/ her students depending on what has been learnt by the students rather than what needs to be taught. 
The committee to research on reflection strategies/models for teachers and effective assessment policies in  measuring the impact of teaching. 

5. Importance of Teacher Exchange Programs- (ITEP) 

Teacher exchange program encourages experienced teachers to swap their teaching practice and learn to teach in another country/ city. It enables the teacher to expand their horizon and thus feel motivated to stay in the profession by living and working in another  city/ country , this helps teachers to improve their understanding of culture and education system and students across. 
The committee would be required to research upon the need for such teacher exchange program, its implementation and structure. 

6. Research in teaching methodologies and their  implementation –(RTMI) 

In the twenty-first century, significant changes are occurring related to new scientific discoveries, globalization, the development of astronautics, robotics, and artificial intelligence. This century is called the age of digital technologies and knowledge. How is the school changing in the new century? How does learning theory change? Currently, you can hear a lot of criticism that the classroom has not changed significantly compared to the last century or even like two centuries ago. Do the teachers succeed in modern changes? The purpose of the committee is to summarize the current changes in didactics for the use of innovative teaching methods and study the understanding of changes by teachers. In this committee ,we consider four areas: the expansion of the subject of pedagogy, environmental approach to teaching, the digital generation and the changes taking place, and innovation in teaching.